SECTION 1: ---
1.1. All Registered Nurses of Indian origin/heritage, nursing students, and other individuals as determined by the Executive Board can become members of INACF.
1.2. Members of INACF should duly affirm to uphold the mission and goals of INACF.
1.3. Members of INACF must pay their annual dues set by INACF. All INACF members automatically are members of NAINA.
Members shall be classified as Regular or Affiliate.
2.1. Regular members - Those of Asian Indian origin/heritage currently licensed as Registered Nurses in the State of Florida provided they have paid their dues.
2.2. Affiliate members - Members who are not professional Registered Nurses, but supports the missions and goals of INACF; like student nurses, Licensed Practical nurses (LPN) and retired nurses of Asian Indian origin and heritage and other individuals recommended by the Executive Board can be affiliate members of INACF by paying the required membership dues.
3.1. Dues shall be paid annually according to membership classification.
3.2. Fiscal year for membership shall be from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st.
3.3. Dues shall be determined by the Executive Board, and approved by a majority vote of the general assembly from time to time.
4.1. Each member shall have the responsibility to uphold the values and mission, and to support the objectives of INACF.
4.2 Further, members are to respect each other; promote team work and uphold the professional nursing code of ethics at all times.
5.1. Major decision making
Sixty percent of the members present shall constitute a quorum.
5.2. General body
The general Body shall consist of all Registered Nurses who reside in Florida and are of Asian Indian origin or heritage, and have paid annual dues; and are of good professional standing.
5.3. General body election
General body shall elect office bearers by majority vote for a term of two (2) years.
5.4. Meetings
There shall be at least one Governing Body meeting each quarter. General body shall meet at least once every six months. Meetings can be regularly scheduled at the beginning of the year.
5.5. Special meetings
Special meeting of the General Body shall be called at the request of the President. Notice of time, place and agenda of the meeting shall be notified by the secretary to the members.
5.6. Amendments to the by-laws
By laws may be amended or altered by the General Body with a majority vote.
5.7. Election process
The president and the executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall inform all members of the association about the upcoming election.
5.7.1. Nomination forms shall be made available at least 4 weeks in advance.
5.7.2. In the General Body meeting the members of the Executive Board shall be elected by the members present, through a democratic process of election, using secret balloting if needed.
5.7.3. Eligible voting members are those members who have paid their annual membership fees.
5.7.4. Election results shall be notified to the Executive Board.
5.8. Vacancy
If any position in the Executive Board with the exception of the president becomes vacant for any reason of death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office or for any other reasons, shall be filled during a regularly scheduled General Body meeting called for that purpose.
5.9. Absence
The Executive Board shall have the authority to remove and appoint new members with a majority consensus of the Board Members, if there is an absence of Governing Board Members for 3 consecutive board meetings without sufficient reason and prior notice.
5.10. Removal from office.
5.10.1. Any officer or Board Member or Advisory Council may be terminated from office by the President for the following reasons
5.10.2. Inability to perform his/her duties as defined by the INACF bylaws.
5.10.3. Three (3) unexcused absences from regular meetings of the executive board. An absence is unexcused if no proper notice and justifiable reason is given.